鋼結構工程、Steel Structure Works,不銹鋼工程、金屬屋面、墻面系統、玻璃幕牆及百葉墻,玻璃隔斷、天窗.有蓋人行道、玻璃纖維欄杆平台、機電工程、工業起重機、水閘、浮動碼頭設施 、人行天橋、椿頂及地下支撐結構、路牌龍門架、玻璃欄杆、欄杆攔河扶手、沙井蓋,鐵器工程-煌鑫工程有限公司
商業 / 建築及建造CHEC GOLD Engineering Co.,Ltd 煌鑫工程有限公司

Get greater business insight into revenue, productive performance, improved operational performance and Continuous Business Impact with Etisbew's end-to-end (BI/DW) solutions

Incredimail help is required for security fix all problems via incredimail customer service number.

Hiring an expert to handle these challenges is very expensive nowadays. Thinking of cost-effective solutions? Our outsourcing services are definitely your choice! We can assist companies to overcome c

Maceo-solutions - Design、Photography、Printing、IT 我們可為閣下提供一站式服務,由設計到完成品,全程均由專人跟進,快速回覆及準時交貨,務求令閣下可專注其他業務發展。我們的服務追求創新突破,亦體貼客人的需要,藉著專業的服務及良好的溝通,致力提升貴 公司的宣傳效益。 服務範疇: 1. 應用程式開發 : Andriod 應用程式 ‧ iOS 應用程式 ‧ 手
M設計 / 平面設計Maceo Solutions

Maceo-solutions - Wedsite, Photography, Design, Printing 我們可為閣下提供一站式服務,為配合網頁製作,亦會有攝影及錄影服務可提供,全程均由專人跟進,快速回覆及準時交貨,務求令閣下可專注其他業務發展。我們的服務追求創新突破,亦體貼客人的需要,藉著專業的服務及良好的溝通,致力提升貴 公司的宣傳效益。 服務範疇: 網頁寄存 | 電郵寄存 | 網頁
M設計 / 網頁設計Maceo Solutions

MarkupHq Company offers web designing and all kinds of websites and web based application solutions to their offshore clients.
w設計 / 網頁設計williamson

Corporate Training and Team Building. Specialists in Experiential Learning Events Business & HR Solutions.

Dragon Creative Media Ltd. specializes in digital marketing solutions such as touch or motion-detective games, eLuckyDraw, eAuction, eCatalog, Photobooth, eRegistration,

Leading supplier of innovative furniture solutions for today’s constantly evolving workplace. 

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北角平租免傭套房 浴室 小厨房 交通方便 洋樓有窗 適合愛乾淨夫妻和單身人士 有意請電: 69913418 Room available for rent at North Point Small kitchenette, sink and bathroom Suitable for couple or singles Interested person(s) call: 69913418

Payne Clermont is a boutique law firm providing high quality legal services and practical solutions to legal problems.
p商業 / 法律事務payneclermont

We are totally dedicated to providing leading edge Internet technology and high quality custom software solutions and services.
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫創啓數碼有限公司

Secure Associates is a privately held company founded by a team of security software veterans & developers to provide enterprises & service providers with solutions to manage security informa
S手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫Secure Associates Limited

SpatialWorks Design + Build 為各醫療中心, 專科診所, 動物診所及醫院, 中醫診所, 醫學美容中心 提供一站式室內設計及裝修工程服務 堅持平衡 美學. 實用. 質素.準時完工保證 誠信可靠, 多年來在得到客戶的信任及讚賞 設計團隊充分了解客人需要, 為不同類型的醫療中心機構, 度身定制最專業, 舒適的診所設計及裝修工程方案 歡迎聯絡我們 Tel: 5717 2974
S商業 / 裝修工程Spatialworks
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